First Baptist Church Woodstock
Job Description
Staff Classification: Director Level
Direct Supervisor: Family / Discipleship Pastor
Department: Discipleship Team
Position Summary:
The Elementary Director/Pastor develops, promotes and implements a comprehensive program of Christian education, activities, and outreach centered upon fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. This position is full-time.
- Cooperate with and follow the leadership of our Pastor and the Direct Supervisor.
- Participate in all church-wide programs, activities, and events, encouraging those in your circle of influence to join you.
- Stay on the cutting edge of this ministry by attending training and growth opportunities.
- Determine objectives and goals for the ministry and initiate strategies to fulfill them.
- Supervise the planning, coordinating, completing, and evaluation of the ministry’s programs, events and activities.
- Develop and implement an annual ministry calendar.
- Enlist, equip, and evaluate all workers needed.
- Regularly conduct planning meetings with workers to plan and pray for the ministry.
- Select all needed materials, curriculum plans, and resources.
- Make recommendations as to the use and development of the facilities.
- Develop and implement a strategy to reach children and their parents for salvation, discipleship, and assimilation.
- Supervise all staff personnel employed in this ministry.
- Prepare and administrate an annual budget for this ministry.
- Lead and engage others in missions locally, nationally, and in the world.
- Enlist and train staff and volunteers to connect students and families on a weekly basis.
- Minister to members and prospective members during times of hospitalization and bereavement.
Personal Responsibilities:
- Maintain God ordained priorities in life by putting Jesus Christ first, family second and ministry third.
- Tithe off your personal income to the vision of First Baptist Woodstock
- Be loyal to the vision and staff of First Baptist Woodstock and always protect the unity of the church.
- Invest and invite the lost to know Jesus and come to First Baptist Woodstock
Skills Requirements:
? Reasoning ability ? Attention to detail ?Empathy for ministry partners
?Administration ? Service to others ? Teacher/Leader
?Good Communication skills ? Team builder ? Self-disciplined
?Servant leader ? Decision maker ? Strong work ethic
?Other: Heart to shepherd the congregation
Education and/or Experience:
?College graduate preferred ?Administrative Experience ?Personnel Management
?Church Staff experience ?Other: Experience in a kid’s ministry of 300 or more